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Subtle makeup for your Valentine's Day date

Dezentes Make-Up für dein Valentinstag-Date
It's that time again - Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Do you have a great date planned for which you are still looking for an enchanting make-up look that you can easily recreate?
Even if you don't have a sweetheart this year, it's still worth taking a look at this great, subtle look that you can easily achieve yourself with just 5 products. Of course, you can also use this look for dates or in everyday life at any time.
Before you start with our step-by-step instructions, you can of course apply your favorite cream. But make sure that it has been completely absorbed and that you have no greasy or oily residue on your skin. You can then apply the firming make-up to ensure an even base.

Step 1

With Concealer 920 or Liquid Concealer 919 you can make red spots and dark circles disappear instantly. Simply apply the concealer to the affected areas and gently dab it in with your finger. The more product you use, the brighter the skin will be.

Apply COSLINE Concealer

Apply COSLINE Concealer

Step 2

Shape your eyebrows and gently accentuate them with the Chocolate 121 eyeliner/eyebrow pencil . Immediately after application, spread the color lightly with your finger so that the color spreads over the eyebrow hairs and the skin underneath. This will make your eyebrows look more natural. The color is also smudge-proof and waterproof after just a short time and will last all day without smudging.

COSLINE Kajal / Eyeliner / Eyebrow Pencil Chocolate 121

Step 3

To give your eyes a soft but intense look, apply the Chocolate 121 eyeliner / eyebrow pencil to the lower lash line below the waterline. Make sure that you do not apply the color all the way to the inner corner of the eye.
COSLINE Kajal / Eyeliner
On the upper eyelid, you can make the line a little firmer and thicker, but again not all the way to the inner corner of the eye.
COSLINE Kajal / Eyeliner Chocolate 121
Our tip: If you use a shadow base before applying your eye make-up, this will prevent the color from running on the eye or settling in the wrinkles around the eyes. To do this, simply spread the shadow base on the eyelid with a finger.

Step 4

Next, take the eyeshadow rosewood 307 and wipe along the upper lash line, starting from half of the eyelid, towards the inner corner of the eye. This creates a soft transition between brown and pink. Then apply the eyeshadow to the rest of the eyelid as usual, but avoid the kohl areas. You can also go up to the bone under the eyebrow. In the inner corner of the eye, move the eyeshadow around the eye, down to below the waterline. This gives your eyes an additional shine.

COSLINE Eyeshadow Rosewood 307

By the way, you can also use the Eyeshadow Rosewood 307 as a highlighter under the eyebrows or on the cheeks.

Step 5

To complete your eye make-up, apply mascara to your upper and lower lashes. The Mascara Black Rubber Brush 91 with its rubber brush ensures perfectly separated lashes that appear both longer and thicker. Mascara is essential, especially for subtle make-up, to achieve the necessary wow effect. That's why you should always use black mascara and apply it heavily to your lashes.

Step 6

As a final step, we'll use a few tricks. To accentuate your lips beautifully, simply use a lip liner, e.g. the Lipliner Azalea 202. But instead of just lining your lips with it, fill your entire lips with the color. Because like our kohl/eyeliner, the lip liners are smudge-proof in no time and therefore kiss-proof too 😉

COSLINE Lipliner make-up

COSLINE Lipliner Azalea 202

And the delicate, yet expressive make-up look is ready!

COSLINE Valentine's Day Make-Up Look

Have fun doing your makeup!

Here again an overview of all the products used:

Mascara Black Rubber Brush 91

Kajal / Eyeliner / Eyebrow Pencil Chocolate 121

Lipliner Azalea 202

Eyeshadow Rosewood 307

Concealer 920


Firming Make-Up

Shadow Base

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@ULRIKE – Dankeschön 😊 Mit etwas Übung bekommst du das bestimmt auch immer schneller hin!
Liebe Grüße, dein COSLINE Team


Eure Videos sind super,aber bei euch sieht das immer so einfach aus,bei mir dauert das immer etwas länger aber wie sagt man so schön Übung macht den Meister. L.G an das ganze Team


Eure Videos sind super,aber bei euch sieht das immer so einfach aus,bei mir dauert das immer etwas länger aber wie sagt man so schön Übung macht den Meister. L.G an das ganze Team


@CORNELIA – Liebe Cornelia, vielen Dank für dein liebes Feedback! Es freut uns sehr, wenn wie dir damit helfen konnten. 😊
Liebe Grüße, dein COSLINE Team

Marion Endl

Ich finde eure Schminktipps super

Cornelia Riedel

Vielen Dank für diese tollen Tipps. Ich habe euch über Facebook kennen gelernt und finde eure Produkte und
vorallem die Schminktipps super.
Nochmals vielen Dank dafür und liebe Grüße an das gesamte Team

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