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Perfect for your trip – 5 beauty essentials for your vacation

Do you sometimes stand in front of your suitcase and wonder which beauty products you need to take with you on holiday without your luggage bursting at the seams? We have put together a practical travel make-up that consists of just 5 products and fits perfectly in any cosmetic bag.
Dezentes Make-Up für dein Valentinstag-Date

Subtle makeup for your Valentine's Day date

It's that time again - Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Do you have a great date plann...
COSLINE Beauty Blog Typische Schminkfehler

Typical make-up mistakes - and how you can avoid them!

All beginnings are difficult. Everyone makes mistakes when trying something new and the same goe...
COSLINE Blog: Lidstrich mit Wing schminken - Ü40 und Schlupflider

Eyeliner with Wing Make-up - Over 40 and Droopy Eyelids

You want to draw an eyeliner with a wing, but your eyelid is starting to droop? No problem! With...
Augen größer schminken Blog

Make your eyes look bigger? It's that easy! 👀

Do you have small eyes and would like to make them appear larger? We'll show you a few simple tricks that you can use!
Cosline Back to the 80s Blaues Augen-Make-Up

Back to the 80's - the blue eyeliner is back! 💙

The blue eyeliner from the 80s is back in style and a must-have for this summer! Be bold with color and make your eyes shine.
5 Tipps für ein frisches Sommer Make-Up

5 Tips for a Fresh Summer Make-Up

Here we show you a few tips on how you can conjure up even more freshness on your face during the hot season.
Cosline Unterschied Kajal Eyeliner Blog-Beitrag

Difference between Kajal and Eyeliner

Are you wondering what the difference is between a kohl and an eyeliner? And where is each used?...

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