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Welcher Lipliner passt zu welchem Lippenstift?

Which lip liner goes with which lipstick?

Are you wondering which lip liner goes best with your lipstick? In this blog post you will find out which combinations harmonize perfectly together!
Volle Lippen schminken mit der Ombré-Technik

Make-up for full lips with the ombré technique

Have you ever heard of ombré lips? This make-up technique allows you to make your lips appear fu...
Dezentes Make-Up für dein Valentinstag-Date

Subtle makeup for your Valentine's Day date

It's that time again - Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Do you have a great date plann...
COSLINE Tipps für volle Lippen Blog Beitrag

How to apply lip liner correctly for full lips - 10 tips and tricks

Finally, get full, perfectly made-up lips with these 10 tips and tricks. Click here to read the blog!

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