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COSLINE | Kennst di diese Zeichen? Ein Blick hinter die Symbole!

Do you know these signs? A look behind the symbols!

How to tell how long your cosmetic products last and when you should throw them away. Have ...
Make-Up richtig auftragen für Anfänger:innen

Applying makeup correctly for beginners

How to apply make-up or foundation correctly so that it looks natural and not painted on. Woul...
Gesicht konturieren mit Puder und Concealer

Contouring the face with powder and concealer

Discover the transformative power of facial contouring with powder and concealer and create an i...
Dezentes Make-Up für dein Valentinstag-Date

Subtle makeup for your Valentine's Day date

It's that time again - Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Do you have a great date plann...
COSLINE Beauty Blog Typische Schminkfehler

Typical make-up mistakes - and how you can avoid them!

All beginnings are difficult. Everyone makes mistakes when trying something new and the same goe...

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