How to tell how long your cosmetic products last and when you should throw them away.
Have you ever wondered how long your cosmetic products really last? Or what all those symbols on the packaging mean? You probably still have some older cosmetic products in your bathroom that you're not quite sure whether you can or should still use.
We take a closer look at the different symbols and explain how you can tell whether your favorite cosmetics are still safe to use.
The Open Cream Jar Symbol (24M):
The first symbol you're likely to come across is the opened cream jar symbol with a statement like "24M." This means the product is good for 24 months after opening.
Even if the expiration date is indicated, you should always follow the basic rules: If the product has changed color, texture or smell, then it should be thrown away immediately. Especially with lipsticks that have a high fat content and come into contact with bacteria through use, you should always check whether they still smell good. As soon as a lipstick smells rancid, you should definitely throw it away immediately.
The hourglass symbol with date:
The hourglass with a date indicates the best-before date of a product. Similar to food, this date indicates how long the product can be kept for at least. It is often found on cosmetics without preservatives, which cannot be stored for long. The date indicated is a guideline for how long the cosmetic can be used safely if stored correctly. However, it can often be used longer than this best-before date.
You should not confuse the hourglass symbol with the cream jar, because the opened cream jar means "use by" and is simply the expiration date, whereas the hourglass represents a best before date and tells you how long a product will last at least. Keep your senses open and use the smell, texture and color to decide if the product is still safe to use.
The package leaflet symbol:
This symbol indicates that the ingredients of the product are not listed directly on the packaging, but on a leaflet or the outer packaging. This symbol is often printed on products where the ingredients simply do not fit on the product itself, such as with kohl/eyeliner, for example. So if you want to be sure, you can always consult the booklet to find out more about the ingredients.
When buying and using cosmetic products, it is important to be aware of the different symbols. Although the best before and expiration dates are important guidelines, you should always use your senses and pay attention to possible changes in the product. Your health and safety come first, so don't be hesitant to discard a product if you have any doubts.
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Now that you know more about these symbols, you can enjoy your beauty routine with peace of mind! If you have any further questions or need additional tips, write to us here. We're curious to hear your opinion! Would you like to see more blogs in this direction? Please write in the comments below. We look forward to hearing from you!
Anonymous —
Hallo Josefine,
Die Information, dass wir keine Tierversuche für die Herstellung unserer Kosmetik durchführen, findest du auf unserer Website unter dem Reiter Info; wenn du da auf “Gegen Tierversuche” klickst, findest du unsere ganzen Informationen zu dem Thema dort aufgelistet.
Liebe Grüße Cindy von COSLINE
Josefine Wertz —
Guten Tag liebes Cosline Team,
Da ich davon ausgehe, dass für Ihre Produkte keine Tierversuche durchgeführt werden, würde ich vorschlagen, dieses auch in die Infos aufzunehmen.
Ich mag Ihre Produkte und Ihre Videos sehr.
C.S. —
Sehr klar und durchdacht präsentiert, sodass die entscheidenden Fragen der Haltbarkeit und Nutzung beantwortet sind.
Anonymous —
Hallo Irene,
Nach der Öffnung sind unsere Kajal-Eyeliner 24 Monate haltbar. Die Kajal / Eyeliner sind mit 0,2 g Inhalt gefüllt. Wie schnell ein Stift aufgebraucht ist, hängt ganz entschieden vom individuellen Verbraucherverhalten ab.
Liebe Grüße Cindy von COSLINE
Robertina —
Sehr guter Beitrag. Werde sofort mal nachschauen, ob ich etwas entsorgen muss.
Eller-Hell —
Hallo ihr Lieben! Danke für die Info! Wollte fragen, wie lange eure Stifte, wenn sie einmal geöffnet sind, halten. Zudem möchte ich euch fragen, wie lange kommt man mit einem Kayial oder Eyliner von euch aus, wenn man sie täglich benutzt! Lg. Irene!