Eyebrows are an important part of your face. They frame your eye area. This immediately emphasizes your eyes. The focus is placed on your eyes by the eyebrows and that is exactly what you want. Nevertheless, the eyebrows should only be emphasized subtly to achieve a natural look. In the following tips you will learn how to emphasize your eyebrows very subtly so that they look natural and last all day.
eyebrow plucking
Before you apply makeup to your eyebrows, you should pluck them into the right shape. The following three tips will help you with plucking:
1. If you pluck your eyebrows immediately after showering, the hairs are easier to pull out and the pain is less.
2. Good light is very important to see even the smallest hairs.
3. After plucking, your skin needs to recover and the hair root needs to close again, so you shouldn't apply makeup immediately after plucking. It's best to pluck your eyebrows when you have a little more time.
eyebrow shape
The right eyebrow shape is crucial for both plucking and make-up. This can be easily determined with a ruler or a pencil (e.g. the
Measure out
the eyebrow pencil Chocolate 121 ).
To get the right shape for your eyebrow, you should consider the following points:
The first question that arises is: Where does my eyebrow start? To do this, place your eyebrow pencil on the notch in your nose. The pencil should now point straight up and form a line with the inner corner of your eye. Your eyebrow should now start exactly at the pencil.
An eyebrow looks particularly beautiful and natural when two thirds of the eyebrow rises first and then one third falls. The highest point that is created forms a diagonal line with your outer nostril. This line should run diagonally through your iris. You can also easily check this with the eyebrow pencil.
Finally, place the
eyebrow pencil to your nostrils so that it forms a line with the outer corner of your eye. Your eyebrow should end at exactly this angle.
eyebrow makeup
At a
eyebrow pencil it is important that you do not hold the pen like a pencil and paint straight onto the eyebrow. This would apply far too much color. Hold the pen sideways and apply the color that way. With this technique you can finely control how much color you want to apply to the hairs.
First emphasize the hairs
For a natural look, the first step is to emphasize the hairs and not the skin underneath. This step is particularly important if you have blonde or gray hairs in between. To do this, apply the color against the grain of the hairs, starting at the back.
Then use your finger to straighten the hairs again and you will immediately see a difference. The eyebrow is slightly accentuated and the hairs are a little darker.
Filling in gaps
Now you just need to fill in the gaps in your eyebrows. Hold the pencil to the side again and apply the color lightly to your skin with little pressure. It is important that you only fill in the natural shape of your eyebrow. Therefore, only emphasize the lower part of your eyebrow, then it will look completely natural. If you emphasize the upper part of your eyebrow with the color or paint over your natural eyebrow, it will create a very expressive look.
If you noticed when measuring your eyebrows that your eyebrows are a little too short at the front or back, you can use the eyebrow pencil to lengthen them slightly. Finally, blend the color with your finger by gently stroking your eyebrow and you're done.
Your eyebrows are now subtly accentuated and your eyes have more expression.
Light blonde eyebrows:
Eyebrow pencil Chocolate 121 is very good. The step of first emphasizing the hairs is particularly important. Apply the color to the hairs with little pressure, this will make the hairs darker and more naturally emphasized. If you want, you can then lightly line the eyebrows so that color is also applied to the skin under the hairs. It is important to always blend the color slightly with your fingers to achieve a natural look.
Where can I buy this pen?
Iris Wolters —
Hallo, ich brauche einen Augenbrauenstift. Meine Brauen sind dünn und lückenhaft….und schwarz. Ich finde keinen passenden Stift. Alle sind braun und das geht bei mir gar nicht. Anthrazit wäre schön. Könnt ihr helfen? LG, Iris
Anonymous —
@RITA – Liebe Rita, genau, in diesem Fall empfehlen wir, die Augenbrauen mit einer geeigneten Farbe nachzumalen. Mit etwas Übung kann das auch ganz natürlich und dezent aussehen. Schau dir dazu auch gerne dieses Video hier auf YouTube an: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pNwSS0xdgs Liebe Grüße, dein COSLINE Team
Rita Götz —
Leider habe ich fast keine Augenbrauenhärchen mehr, da dies aus einer Zeit herrührt, als man sich diese fad kahl zupfte😪 Plötzlich sind keine mehr nachgewachsen!!!
Nun bleibt mir nichts anderes übrig, als wohl doch eine passende Form zu
malen, oder??!
Beate Herrnberger —
Nie mehr ohne diesen Augenbrauenstift!!!🤗
Birgit Michl —
Ich freue mich 😊
Lisa —
Der Augenbrauenstift ist einfach genial. Super aufzutragen und sieht klasse aus. Hatte ja erst Bedenken, da ich schon so viele ausprobiert habe und….nehme nieeeeee mehr einen anderen.