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Make-up tips for glasses wearers - 3 simple tips

COSLINE Schminktipps für Brillenträger Blog

Do you wear glasses and are unsure how to apply your make-up? No problem! We'll show you how to apply make-up correctly and how to make your make-up clearly visible behind your glasses. It will optically enlarge your eyes and make you shine.

Eyes appear small behind glasses

If you are short-sighted, your eyes often look very small behind your glasses. Therefore, you should not use dark colors such as black to make up your eyes. A dark color would make your eyes look even smaller. To still emphasize your eyes beautifully, you can use a kohl/eyeliner in brown or aubergine . You can also match the color to your glasses frame.

First, apply the color to the lower lash line as a kajal. Make sure that you do not apply the kajal to the waterline, but directly to the lash line. You can easily remove excess color on the waterline with a cotton swab or cosmetic tissue.

You can now use the same color as eyeliner. Don't apply the color all the way to the inner corner of your eye. Start at about the pupil and apply the color in strokes all the way to the back.

Tip: With a small wing upwards, your eyes will automatically be lifted.

Highlights at the inner corner of the eye

COSLINE Blog Glasses wearers Make-up tips made up

If you wear glasses, it is very important that you apply light makeup to the inner corners of your eyes, because anything light you apply will stand out and this will make your eyes appear larger. You can use the Kajal / Eyeliner Champagne 114 for this. You can easily apply this color to the inner corners of your eyes and also to your eyelid. You can also paint over the color of the eyeliner to create a beautiful color gradient.

If you apply a white eyeliner to the waterline, your eyes will appear even larger.

Eyelashes touch the glasses

Do you have the problem that your eyelashes always hit the lenses of your glasses? Then you should definitely use an eyelash curler. This will shape your eyelashes upwards and they will no longer hit the lenses. If you are not a fan of an eyelash curler, you can also curl your eyelashes upwards with your fingers. Then apply a generous amount of mascara to your eyelashes, and now you can press your eyelashes upwards again with your finger. You can also apply a generous amount of mascara to your lower lash line.

COSLINE Blog Glasses wearers Make-up tips Eyelash curler

Your glasses often slip off your nose

Do your glasses keep slipping down your nose throughout the day? We have a little tip for that. Simply use a little powder and apply it lightly to the bridge of your nose. This will help your glasses stay in place and stay put.

COSLINE Blog Glasses wearers Make-up tips Powder Nose bridge

Now you have the perfect make-up for everyday life and your eyes no longer look so small behind your glasses.



Super Tipps!
Ich werde das gleich heute ausprobieren.
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Hallo liebes cosline Team!
Das ist ein guter Tipp damit die Brille nicht rutscht. Werde ich gleich morgen mal ausprobieren!
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