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Apply blush correctly - to suit your face shape!

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Your face looks pale and sallow? Have you often thought about using blusher ? But then you didn't dare because you didn't know exactly how and where to apply it so that it doesn't look painted on or unnatural?

With a little blush you can work wonders to make your face look fresher and healthier immediately! Applying blush correctly is really easy! Try it, you'll be amazed!

Here we show you how to apply your blusher correctly for 4 different face shapes so that it suits your face shape and you immediately look fresher, younger and healthier:
First of all: Which brush should I use to apply the blush?
First of all, the question is which brush should I use? The good news is that it doesn't really matter. You can basically use any brush that is a bit airy, i.e. not too "hard" in shape. But it doesn't have to be a special blusher brush; a normal powder brush or even a fan brush will do just fine to achieve a nice result. Just take what you have at home and get started!
COSLINE Powder Brush 801 COSLINE sliding brush 802
1) Narrow face
If you have a narrow or oval face, apply the color directly to the cheekbone. You can feel the bone above the ear and apply the color directly there. Use only a little blush color and blend it evenly so that it looks completely natural.
How to apply COSLINE Rouge correctly
Important: You don't want to look like you've had your face painted. So make sure that you don't see any edges!
Tip: People often say that you should smile when you apply blusher . But you should be careful with this! This can cause the color to settle into the wrinkles and not look even. So when you apply blusher , just look in the mirror normally without laughing.
2) Long face
If you have a very long face, you should apply the blusher horizontally on the cheekbones but more in the middle. You should also not apply the color too close to the hairline. This will interrupt the length of the face. Applying the blusher horizontally makes your face appear a little wider and not so long.
How to apply COSLINE Rouge correctly
3) Square face
A square face often looks a bit striking. To make your face appear softer and more feminine, the blush should be applied to the sides in an arc.
How to apply COSLINE Rouge correctly
So not, as with other face shapes, on the cheekbones at the front, but from ear level towards the temples.
The temples and forehead can also be accentuated a little at the sides to give the face more roundness and to visually pull it upwards. This will give your face a beautiful, feminine curve.
4) Round face
If you have a round face, you should apply the blush just below the cheekbone.
Please do not pull in your cheeks and apply the blusher into the hollow of your cheeks, i.e. too far down. This would be done with a powder using the contouring technique, but that is a different topic.
How to apply COSLINE Rouge correctly
Therefore, only apply it slightly below the cheekbones! Apply the blusher quite far towards the mouth so that your face appears longer. Blend the color upwards over the cheekbones. This will immediately make a very round face look a little longer and narrower.
Now you can find out how to apply blusher correctly based on your face shape and which blusher technique works best for you.
Tip : If you're not sure how to apply your blush , try technique number 1 (see above)! It works very well on most face shapes and you can't go wrong with it!
Using a little blush makes a huge difference!

With a little blush on your face, you will instantly look fresher, younger and healthier, as if you just came back from a walk in the fresh air. So be sure to start using blush!
Here is an overview of all the products used:
COSLINE powder brush
COSLINE sliding brush 802
COSLINE Rouge Azalea
COSLINE Rouge Rosé 702
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Did these tips help you? Do you already use blusher? Do you have any questions about this topic? Then write to us here! We are curious to hear your opinion!
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